Rapport d’activité mai 2022 – mai 2023

During the General Assembly of May 2023 in Lisbon the president and the Secretary General presented the Activity Report May2022-May 2023
The new executive worked mainly by email on
The communication of ICW information and of ECICW regarding the national delegations
Contacts to be made with countries currently not represented
Strategy with a view to the European elections
Agreement to encourage, on behalf of the ICW and ECICW, a university study on feminism as it is advocated by ECICW in order to counter publications that tend to weaken it (conservatism, extremism and fundamentalism, transactivism, radical intersectionality, etc.)
The report also mentioned the GA of 22 October 2022 in Brussels
General Assembly of October 22, 2022 in Brussels
A Working session on the objectives of ECICW
Adoption of an action plan and definition of priorities:
– Resolution 1325
– Clause of the most favored European woman with a focus on the access to abortion right
– Internal strategy to revitalize and coordinate members
Then we raised our actions and participation of ECICW within the international framework such as
ECICW, co-edited a comparative brochure on access to abortion in Europe (September 30)
Within the framework of our action plan, voted on during the October GA, which provides for « positions that support our demand for total decision-making autonomy for women, within a legislative framework that protects their rights », ECICW was a partner in a symposium at the Belgian Senate on women’s decision-making autonomy in the event of pregnancy or maternity (March 9)
Participation in the organization of the future World Day for Abortion Right. ECICW is in the organizing committee of a European mobilization with speeches at the European Parliament in Brussels (September 28, 2023)
Speech by the Secretary General in a TV program on sexism in politics (February 11, 2023)
- Mais aussi des prises de paroles lors de manifestations ( Ukraine, Iran, …) et d’émissions, la participation à la CSW67 ( sur l’autonomisation politique et économique des femmes à l’ère digitale), la signature de cartes blanches….
Byt also interventions and speeches on behalf of ECICW at protests in support of Iranian women (January 9, 2023) or Ukrainian women, at the CSW67 in solidarity with the Ukrainian women (March 8) and in a panel organized by the Ukrainian women Association and coordinated by our Vice-President, Lyudmyla Porokhnyak. Martine Marandel, president ICW was also in the panel.
Speaking at the CSW in the ICW event on Political and Economic Empowerment of women in the digital age.
Production of a video clip of Sofia Porokhnyak’s testimony on the war in Ukraine (October 22, 2022)
Participation in the fortnight in solidarity with Iranian women and Afghan women (December 2022)
Participation in various demonstrations and actions of solidarity with Iranian women, including a dance in front of the Iranian Embassy in Brussels (April 18, 2023)
Video of solidarity message of ECICW recorded and transmitted to meeting of Iran women association Sepidar in Goteborg
Presence on social networks
- And also the
Set up of a newsletter and update of our members lists and the preparation of our new website, press releases, open letters, …
Représentation dans les différentes instances
Representation in the various bodies
– The Conference of INGOs (COING) Ludovina Moreira-Costes (24-26 April)
– European Women’s Lobby (Brigitte Polonovski – (EGA 28 April 2023)
– EWL Violence Observatory (Patricia Viviana Ponces)