General Assemblies, Members, News-EN2 July 20241 Minutes

Our General Assembly in Vilnius was a big success!

Our General Assembly was held in Vilnius from June 20 to 22.
Delegations from Lithuania, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Italy, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Turkey, Israel, and Taiwan met, complemented by other countries online (Austria, the Netherlands, Morocco, etc.).
Martine Marandel, president of ICW, and Cosima Schenk, past president, honored us with their participation.
On Thursday, June 20, after an official visit to the Parliament, the Seimas, the Portuguese coordination organized a workshop on cyberbullying and online violence.
On Friday, June 21, we held our annual General Assembly and this year election were held.
After the agenda, we elected a new Board: Viviane Teitelbaum was re-elected president, Sema Ozan (president of the Turkish coordination) and @Marie-Claude Bertrand (president of CNFF) were re-elected vice-presidents, and Ana Sofia Fernandes (president of the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights) joined the Board as new Vice-President.
Sylvie Lausberg was re-elected as Secretary General and Ludovina Moreira-Costes was re-elected as treasurer!
The 4 new priority areas for our work for the next 3 years were defined.
Then we had a presentation by Gulden Henneman on the radicalization of women, and to finish, the EIGE team gave us a very interesting presentation of their work.
Thank you Loreta Kelbauskaite  and the Lithuanian coordinattion for hosting us and for the magnificent organization!

General Assemblies in Lisbon, May 2023

General Assemblies1 Minute

In Lisbon ECICW held two general assemblies on May 19th. 

During the ordinary GA a report of activities was presented by the president and the Secretary General and the financial report 2022 and the budget for 2023 was presented by the treasurer  and unanimously adopted- A follow up on resolutions of the last GA was made and the membership to the “Feminist Front” was adopted, all in favor minus 3 abstentions

We also made a report on the International day for abortion right, on September 28th for information and mobilisation

After that we had an extraordinary general assembly and the new statutes necessary to comply with the law and harmonise with ICW were adopted.  

Seminar during the General Assembly in Lisbon: History and Challenges – Past, Present, and Future

Photo illustration CECIF-ECICW
General Assemblies1 Minutes

On May 19 2023, after our Extraordinary General Assembly, we organized a seminar with the Portuguese platform which first took a look at the past of the ICW Then we addressed the present and future challenges at European level with regard to women’s rights and the participation of women in the European political agenda.

The seminar was broadcasted live and included the participation of Ana Sofia Fernandes, President of PpDM , Viviane Teitelbaum, European President of the International Council of Women (ECICW) and Sandra Ribeiro, President of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality for the introduction.

The look at the past was addressed by Martine Marandel, President of the ICW Anne Cova, ICS-ULisboa, Regina Marques, MDM, under the presidency Teresa Pinto, CEMRI-UAb /APEM

The present and the future were addressed by Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, S&D, Diana Pinto, PpDM, Isabelle Kempeneers, CFFB Belgium; Paula Sequeira, Dignity/PpDM, Isabel Romão, EOS/PpDM. Under the presidency of Maria João Faustino, Coordinator of the De Viva Voz II project of PpDM.

General Assembly, Brussels, October 2022

In General Assemblies3 Minutes

    Adoption of action plan : adopted unanimously with one abstention of the delegation of  Malta.
The action plan adopted unanimously m!nus one abstention of  Malta. and was the result of a morning working session dedicated to its elaboration. It is based on three perspectives of strategic actions, each of them broken down in three areas.
     Resolution 1325 of the United Nations
§ Raise awareness on the issue of women and girls  victims of wars and conflicts, in Ukraine and in other war zones. Work with feminists movements and grassroot organizations to fight against political and media misinformation.
§ Establish a feminist diplomacy, by including women in international conferences, in decision-making places, particularly in the context of international conflict resolution. Work on dialogue, and success stories.
§  Develop a humanitarian feminist perspective, regarding the right of asylum and refugees, particularly with regard to human trafficking and sexual exploitation (Euro-Med).
    Most favored European clause regarding abortion right
§ Develop arguments based on analysis of legislations and feedback from national delegations.
§ Contact Parliamentarians at national and European level in view of the 2024 elections in order to mobilize them on this issue.
§   Establish forums within the bodies of the European Union to disseminate our advocacy on the subject.
   Developpement of ECICW network
§  Mobilize the current members of the ECICW and gain  new members (reach out to other National Councils).
§  Develop a center of knowledge and exchange of information within ECICW, to enrich our actions in a dynamic perspective in order to create synergies, join and share resources on projects. Amongst other, through a newsletter.
§  Establish working groups within ECICW in order to set up collaborative work enriched, amongst other, by information shared through the website.

Further more:

Ludovina Moreira Costes presented  the budget.
Unanimous adoption of the budget and the amount of the annual fee (€200) for members, with an exceptional reduction for Ukraine and Lebanon due to their particularly difficult economic situation.
Unanimous election of Isabelle Kempeneers of the CFFB as auditor.
Election of  representatives: Viviane Teitelbaum as substitute for Ludovina Moreira Costes at the Council of Europe, election of Patricia Viviana Ponce Pascuale to the LEF Observatory and of Sylvie Lausberg in the EWL Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights taskforce.
• Presentation of the situation in Ukraine by Lyudmyla Porokhnyak.
• Decision to contact the National Councils regarding the establishment of working groups within the ECICW

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