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Letter to European Institutions and National Governments on Human Trafficking

In Archives, Resolutions1 Minutes

You will recall that ECICW in November 2005 drew to your attention a resolution passed at our General Assembly in Freiburg, Germany about trafficking in women. ECICW, at its recent meeting in Athens on May 11th, held further discussions on this subject and studied recent developments in this area of trans-national organised crime.

ECICW wishes to express its continuing concern regarding the slow progress in action against the traffickers, and the very limited actions by governments to provide protection and assistance for the victims. Particular concern was expressed by this meeting about difficulties in safeguarding borders.

ECICW recommends greater vigilance by police authorities in all countries, and increased inter-European cooperation and exchange of information via Interpol and Europol. In addition to extended programmes for the protection and rehabilitation of women trafficked against their will, ECICW recommends further action to raise awareness among women and men about the risks of trafficking in all European countries, and about health issues involved. It was noted with approval that some countries had introduced telephone help lines for the provision of confidential information, and had also alerted all men to the risk of prosecution if they were found guilty of exploiting trafficked women.

We are bringing this to the attention of European Institutions and National Governments, and should be glad to have your comments to bring before our next General Assembly in Kiev in September 2006.