
Archives1 Minutes

The member countries of the European Centre of the International Council of Women (ECICW-CECIF), met in Kiev, Ukraine for their General Assembly on September 5th 2006 to examine the issues related to women in decision-making in their countries.

The European Centre of the International Council of Women (ECICW-CECIF)

(i) Being aware that gender equity is below acceptable levels in its member countries
in politics, economic decision making and in the field of science and
(ii) Urges the European Commission, the Council of Europe and National Governments to take immediate action:
a) to introduce more effective policies to ensure equal participation of women and men in decision making at all levels both in the public and private sector;
b) to provide funding of new initiatives for family friendly measures through flexible working arrangements;
c) to make available affordable care facilities for children, disabled and elderly people;
d) to ensure, through monitoring the implementation of national legislation, a balanced participation of women and men in decision-making.

NOTE: The European Centre of the International Council of Women, ECICW-CECIF is a pan –European umbrella organization working within the framework of the International Council of Europe and with a participative status at the Council of Europe. ECICW-CECIF consists of National Councils in 23 European countries. Together they represent 10 million women through their 850 member organisations.