An organisation  founded in 1961

 ECICW is the European Center of the International Council of Women (ICW) that was founded in 1888 with the following objectives: equality, development, and peace. ECICW, a non-governmental organization was  founded in Switzerland in 1961, and pursues the same goals as ICW

ECICW has a participatory status with the Council of Europe (CoE) and with the United Nations through ICW. ECICW is also a founding member of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL).

ECICW has member organizations in 28 countries, amongst which twenty in Europe: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, Slovenia, and Switzerland. It also includes two EU candidate countries: Ukraine and Turkey. Additionally, Russia, and for the Mediterranean region: Morocco, Tunisia, Israel, and Lebanon. National coordinations of countries that have not yet joined ICW are welcomed as observers at ECICW meetings, such as Azerbaijan

The Board


Number of countries where we are present


Date of establishment.


We represent thousands of associations and several million women.

Objectives and aspirations.

ECICW is fully committed to achieving its core objective: reach equality by empowering women and promoting their active participation in decision-making, both at national and European levels. Through various initiatives and actions, the organisation aims to promote equality and eliminate all forms of sex based discrimination.

Furthermore, ECICW considers essentiel to respect human rights, believing that every individual, regardless of their gender or sex, should enjoy all fundamental rights and inherent in dignity. The organization tirelessly works to eliminate injustices, violence, and inequalities that women and girls may encounter in their daily lives.

Simultaneously, ECICW is dedicated to sustainable development and peace, recognizing that these two aspects are intrinsically linked to the promotion of gender equality By encouraging sustainable practices and emphasizing women’s empowerment in all areas of society, ECICW contributes to building a more balanced and harmonious future, respectful of the environment.

In fulfilling its mission, ECICW strives to raise public awareness, engage relevant authorities, and cooperate with other national and international organizations. Together, we seek to create an environment conducive to the development of women and their autonomy, where their rights are fully recognized and respected, and where they can fully contribute  to society.


ECICW is committed to amplifying the voices of women and promoting their active participation in European decision-making bodies. We foster a dynamic partnership among our member organizations, strengthening ties not only with the International Council of Women but also with other organizations and networks. Additionally, we work closely with institutions such as the Council of Europe, UN agencies like UNICEF and UNIFEM, as well as the European Women’s Lobby, to enhance our efforts and make a meaningful impact in advancing women’s rights and gender equality.

ECICW is firmly committed to amplifying the voices of women and promoting their meaningful participation in European decision-making bodies. It recognizes the vital importance of including women’s voices and perspectives in the decision-making processes that shape European policies and legislation.

To achieve this objective, ECICW makes persistent efforts to raise awareness among political decision-makers and those responsible for European policies on the specific issues of women and equality between men and women.  It leads advocacy and awareness campaigns, highlighting the challenges women and girls face and the contributions they can make to society.
ECICW, through its members, also engages in training and capacity building initiatives, in order to empower women and allow them to play an active and influential role in European decision-making bodies. ECICW and its members, organize seminars, training and exchange sessions, where women can acquire the necessary skills in leadership, negotiation and advocacy.

By encouraging women’s participation in European decision-making bodies, ECICW aims to promote balanced and diverse representation. It seeks to break down gender barriers and stereotypes that limit women’s access to leadership positions and the capacity of influencing policies . By promoting inclusive participation, ECICW contributes to creating policies and decisions that are fair, unbiased and representative of the needs and aspirations of the entire European population, both women and men.

ECICW works to energize cooperation between its member organisations and strengthen ties with other entities such as the International Council of Women (ICW) and other organisations or networks committed to promoting women’s rights and equality between men and women.

Within ECICW, member organisations benefit from a dynamic platform that facilitates the exchange of expertise, best practices, and resources. The association aims to facilitate meetings, gatherings, and events where members can share their experiences, discuss common challenges, and find joint solutions to promote women’s rights in Europe.

By closely cooperating with the International Council of Women, which represents women’s interests globally, ECICW is part of a broader effort to advance gender equality. This teamwork enables the exchange of information, access to international expertise, and alignment of actions and positions for a stronger and more coherent impact.

ECICW also seeks to establish and strengthen ties with other national, regional, and international organisations and networks that share common goals. By working together, these entities can pool their efforts, coordinate actions, and enhance their collective influence in promoting women’s rights and equality between men and women.

Networking and  alliance building of ECICW with  various organisations and networks help strengthen the collective voice of women in Europe and beyond. By uniting their strengths, these entities can engage in coordinated actions, develop common policies, and put more pressure to create positive and lasting change for women’s and girls’ rights.

ECICW has strategic partnerships and cooperates with the Council of Europe, UN agencies such as UN Women. It is a founding member of the European Women’s Lobby and a member of the Feminist Front.

All national coordinations are associations represent up to a hundred women’s and feminist organisations per country.

All of them are independent of political parties and non-profit organizations. They work in all areas of society in cooperation with all non-governmental organizations interested in gender equality issues, both nationally and internationally. Members of our national coordinations are often called upon to intervene or be consulted on government documents, and legislation.

Since its foundation in 1961, every effort has been made to foster cooperation and exchange of ideas between the Coordinations, which has significantly contributed to their development.

Strategic Objectives

Women are united for progress, equality, and peace in Europe. During its General Assembly in October 2022, CECIF adopted three strategic objectives to be implemented by 2024:

CECIF actively engages in several areas related to women and girls affected by wars and conflicts, both in Ukraine and other conflict zones. The organization seeks to raise public awareness about the specific challenges faced by these women and girls and promote concrete actions to protect and support them.

CECIF works closely with the civil society movement to combat political and media disinformation. The organization recognizes the importance of disseminating accurate and reliable information, especially in conflict situations where women and girls can be vulnerable to misinformation and manipulation. By collaborating with media outlets and civil society organizations, CECIF aims to promote balanced and informed media coverage while denouncing toxic discourse and false information that can harm women and girls in conflict zones.

The establishment of feminist diplomacy is a major goal of CECIF. The organization actively seeks to include women in international conferences, decision-making forums, and conflict resolution processes. It acknowledges that women’s participation is essential to ensure sustainable and equitable solutions to international conflicts. CECIF advocates for balanced representation in diplomatic discussions and works to eliminate barriers that restrict women’s participation. By promoting inclusive dialogue and highlighting women’s successes in conflict resolution processes, CECIF aims to strengthen the voice and role of women in building lasting peace.

In the field of asylum and refugees, CECIF develops a feminist humanitarian perspective. The organization recognizes that refugee women and girls are particularly vulnerable to human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and prostitution. It is committed to promoting policies and measures that ensure the protection of refugee women and girls, with a focus on preventing trafficking and providing appropriate support services. CECIF encourages organizations such as Euro-Med to strengthen protection mechanisms, raise awareness, and advocate for a gender-inclusive and gender-sensitive humanitarian response for refugees.

Through these efforts, CECIF seeks to advance the rights of women and girls in conflict zones, combat political and media disinformation, promote feminist diplomacy, and ensure the protection of refugee women and girls who are often victims of a continuum of violence. The organization works diligently to create an environment where women’s voices and rights are respected and where they can fully participate in conflict resolution, decision-making, and the construction of a fairer and more peaceful future.

The idea of the Most Favored European Woman Clause is a fundamental concept for ECICW, which advocates for its application in all areas. This clause aims to ensure that the most favorable rights and standards for women’s rights and gender equality are applied in all European countries, regardless of national legislative differences.

ECICW believes that gender equality and the protection of women’s rights should be universal values, consistently and harmoniously applied throughout Europe. By utilizing the Most Favored European Woman Clause, the organization seeks to promote high standards in areas such as gender pay equality, access to education, reproductive health, combating gender-based violence, women’s political participation, and many others.

CECIF places special emphasis on the Most Favored European Woman Clause in relation to voluntary termination of pregnancy. The organization conducts in-depth analysis of existing legislation and collects feedback from national delegations to develop a strong argument on this issue.

Legislation surrounding voluntary termination of pregnancy varies from one European country to another. Leveraging this diversity of laws and regulations, the organization aims to promote the Most Favored European Woman Clause, which ensures women access to reproductive healthcare and abortion services under the best possible conditions, regardless of their country of residence.

As part of this effort, ECICW engages with national and European-level parliamentarians ahead of the 2024 elections to raise awareness and mobilize them on this issue. The organization seeks to establish partnerships and engage in discussions with legislators to promote progressive and equitable legislative measures regarding voluntary termination of pregnancy. By highlighting arguments based on the analysis of existing legislation and the testimonies of national delegations, ECICW aims to persuade parliamentarians of the importance of protecting women’s rights and ensuring their access to safe and quality abortion services.

ECICW also seeks to disseminate its arguments on this matter within the European Union institutions. The organization works to establish platforms where it can present and advocate for its positions in favor of voluntary termination of pregnancy, with a focus on the Most Favored European Woman Clause. These platforms provide an opportunity to raise awareness among European decision-makers, influence policies, and promote common standards in reproductive health.

Through these actions, CECIF strives to promote equitable and rights-respecting access to voluntary termination of pregnancy across Europe. The organization works diligently to persuade parliamentarians, mobilize political actors, and disseminate its arguments within European institutions. By placing this issue at the heart of political debates and agendas, ECICW aims to promote the respect of women’s rights and ensure that every woman can make informed and autonomous decisions regarding her reproductive health.

In the field of gender pay equality, for example, ECICW emphasizes the application of the Most Favored European Woman Clause to ensure that all women in Europe enjoy the same rights regarding equal pay for equal work of equal value. The organization advocates for the elimination of unjustified gender pay gaps, based on the most favorable standards and practices already in place in some European countries.

In all areas related to women’s rights and gender equality, ECICW is committed to promoting the Most Favored European Woman Clause to harmonize standards and practices across Europe. By working with policymakers, legislators, and European institutions, the organization aims to create an environment where women’s rights are consistently protected, and gender equality is a reality for all women in Europe. By promoting the application of the Most Favored European Woman Clause in all areas, ECICW aspires to create a legal and policy framework conducive to women’s empowerment, the eradication of all forms of discrimination, and the promotion of gender equality.

This would contribute to building a fairer, more inclusive, and equitable Europe for all women and girls.

ECICW is implementing several initiatives to mobilize its current members and attract new members, while also fostering openness to other national Coordinations.

The organization recognizes the importance of strengthening its network and promoting active participation to achieve its goals.

To mobilize its current members, ECICW organizes regular meetings, general assemblies, and special events. These opportunities provide avenues for the exchange of ideas, sharing of experiences, and strengthening of bonds among members. The organization also encourages active participation in ECICW activities, soliciting ideas, skills, and resources from its members to successfully carry out projects and initiatives.

Simultaneously, ECICW is committed to attracting new members, particularly by opening its doors to other national Coordinations. The organization acknowledges the value of diversity and expanding its network to enhance its influence and reach. It employs targeted outreach, communication, and recruitment strategies to encourage the membership of new members and actively involve them in ECICW activities.

ECICW also recognizes the importance of developing a knowledge and information exchange center within the organization. This center aims to enrich ECICW’s actions by fostering synergies and resource sharing on projects. In this regard, ECICW has established a regular newsletter to disseminate information, updates, and best practices within its network. This helps strengthen internal communication, share knowledge, and stimulate collaboration among members.

Furthermore, ECICW proposes establishing working groups within the organization. These groups would facilitate enhanced collaborative work, leveraging available information on ECICW’s website. The working groups would provide a space for exchange and reflection where members can actively contribute to specific initiatives, share their ideas, and participate in concrete actions to promote women’s rights in Europe.

By mobilizing its current members, attracting new members, developing a knowledge and information exchange center, and establishing working groups, ECICW enhances the collaboration, participation, and engagement of its network. These initiatives foster a dynamic and collaborative approach, allowing for the creation of synergies, resource sharing, and maximization of ECICW’s impact in promoting women’s rights in Europe.


What do we do?

Equality in all its forms is a cross-cutting concern for ECICW. The organization works to promote equality in all areas of life by combating discrimination, gender stereotypes, and structural and systemic inequalities. It advocates for concrete policies and actions aimed at creating an equitable environment for women, where their fundamental rights are respected, and they have the same opportunities as men.

In recent years, ECICW has addressed a wide range of essential topics that directly impact the lives of women in Europe. These issues have been selected to address current needs and concerns, with a focus on promoting women’s rights, gender equality, and the empowerment of women and girls.

To strengthen women's rights in Europe

Different forms of violence against women and girls are a major concern, a violation of dignity, and a barrier to equality.

The association and its members are actively engaged in the fight against all forms of violence, recognizing that these forms of violence are a blatant violation of human rights and have profound consequences on the lives of women and girls, as well as on society as a whole.

Violence against women and girls can take multiple forms, such as domestic violence, intimate partner violence, post-separation violence (including parental alienation syndrome), sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, prostitution, human trafficking, economic violence, early and forced pregnancies, obstetric and gynecological violence, femicide, sexual apartheid, and war and conflict-related violence. CECIF considers these forms of violence unacceptable as barriers to equality and an egalitarian society and works tirelessly to prevent them, combat them, and support victims.

The association seeks to raise public awareness and inform about the various types of violence against women and girls, as well as their physical, psychological, and social consequences. By shedding light on these issues, CECIF aims to break the silence and encourage women to break free from isolation, seek help, and exercise their rights.

CECIF also advocates for policies and laws that protect women and girls from violence while strengthening mechanisms for prevention, protection, prosecution, and redress. The association and its members collaborate in different countries with international organizations, non-governmental organizations, governments, and other key actors to promote effective legislative and policy measures to combat violence against women and girls.

Many member associations of CECIF strive to create a safe and nurturing environment and serve as a conduit or create spaces where survivors of violence can rebuild their lives and regain their autonomy.

Furthermore, CECIF encourages increased awareness and training for professionals in various sectors (such as health, education, justice, law enforcement) to enhance their ability to detect, address, and prevent gender-based violence. The association also promotes cooperation among different stakeholders to ensure a coordinated and multidisciplinary approach in the fight against violence against women and girls.

CECIF believes that violence prevention is essential to break the cycle of violence and promote equal and respectful relationships between women and men. The association encourages work with young people, schools, and communities to promote positive gender norms, deconstruct stereotypes, and foster mutual respect.

The association believes that efforts must be relentless to end impunity for perpetrators of violence, support survivors, and promote a society where all women and girls can live in safety, dignity, and respect for their fundamental rights.

By addressing these diverse and crucial issues, CECIF demonstrates its ongoing commitment to defending women’s rights, promoting equality, and contributing to the construction of a fairer, more inclusive, and equitable society for all.

The ECICW attaches great importance to media relations, as do the national coordinations. The association recognizes the key role that the media play in the dissemination of information, public awareness and the promotion of women’s and girls’ rights.

By working closely with the media, the ECICW seeks to strengthen the visibility and understanding of issues related to women in Europe. The association ensures to establish trust-based relationships with journalists and media professionals by providing them with accurate information, resources and expertise on gender equality issues.

The ECICW is committed to actively communicating with the media to raise awareness of its actions, initiatives and positions. The association and its members give interviews, write opinion articles and press releases to share their views and draw attention to issues affecting women’s rights. It also uses social media and online platforms to spread powerful messages and mobilize a wide audience.

By developing strong relationships with the media, the ECICW and its member associations, as well as its partners, aim to influence media coverage of gender equality issues and promote a balanced representation of women in the media. The association encourages a positive and respectful representation of women, deconstructs gender stereotypes and fights against discriminatory or harmful speech. It highlights qualified experts and spokeswomen to ensure that women’s voices are heard in the media.

By working in collaboration with the media, the ECICW and its members and partners seek to create synergy between changemakers, policymakers and the general public. The association recognizes that the media play an essential role in raising awareness, educating and mobilizing society, and it strives to use these channels to advance gender equality and women’s rights.

By working together with the media, the association and its members also strive to create an inclusive, fair and women’s rights-respecting media environment.

The ECICW is actively engaged in the study and monitoring of women’s rights issues in Europe. Through its members, the association is constantly informed of the developments and challenges facing women, based on in-depth research, studies and evidence. This in-depth knowledge allows it to have a clear understanding of the specific issues and challenges facing women in different countries and contexts in Europe and the Mediterranean.

At the European level, the ECICW plays an essential role by submitting motions, making declarations and responding to the initiatives of the various authorities. The association uses these mechanisms to promote women’s rights, promote equality and influence European policies in favor of women’s empowerment. These actions allow the CECIF to actively contribute to debates and decision-making processes at the European level, by making women’s voices heard and advocating for concrete measures.

The activities of the ECICW go beyond awareness-raising. The association also engages with its members in education by organizing seminars, conferences, trainings and discussion sessions. These initiatives aim to strengthen the knowledge and skills of women, as well as key actors involved in the promotion of equality. Seminars and trainings allow for the exchange of ideas, sharing of good practices and the development of effective strategies to advance women’s rights in Europe and the Mediterranean basin.

Information also plays a central role in the activities of the ECICW. The association strives to disseminate accurate and accessible information on women’s rights, its challenges and related issues. It uses various communication channels, such as publications, newsletters, reports, websites and social media, to inform the public, the media and decision-makers about the issues facing women in Europe.

By implementing these activities, the ECICW aims to raise awareness, stimulate informed debate and mobilize stakeholders to promote gender equality and women’s rights. The association plays a crucial role as a source of reliable information, advocacy and training, thus contributing to creating an environment conducive to women’s empowerment in Europe.

In recent years, the ECICW has addressed a wide range of essential themes that have a direct impact on the lives of women in Europe. These topics were selected to meet current needs and concerns, with a focus on promoting women’s rights, gender equality and the well-being of women and girls.

The prevention of trafficking in women and girls is one of the priorities of the ECICW. The association is actively involved in initiatives to raise awareness, prevent and combat trafficking in women and the associated sexual exploitation, which constitute a serious and unacceptable violation of human rights. By focusing on prevention, protection and rehabilitation of victims, in collaboration with its members, the CECIF works to strengthen legislative measures, policies and international cooperation mechanisms to combat this scourge.

Housing and poverty are also key issues for the ECICW. The association is committed to promoting equitable access to housing, especially for women facing precarious situations and social exclusion in order to prevent them from becoming homeless. It also advocates for the reduction of female poverty, including for single mothers, and for the implementation of economic and social policies that promote women’s economic autonomy and their inclusion in all areas of society.

The issue of fair trade is also a matter of concern. The association promotes ethical trade practices, including by encouraging fair trade and raising awareness of the effects of global trade on women. It seeks to ensure that women benefit from fair trade, have equal opportunities in supply chains and are protected from economic exploitation.

Social security and retirement are essential themes for the ECICW, which strives to ensure that social security systems are gender-sensitive and take into account the specific needs of women throughout their lives, including in retirement. The association advocates for policies and regulations that provide economic security for women and reduce income and social protection gaps between men and women.

The environment is another area of interest for the ECICW. The association is concerned with gender and environmental issues, recognizing the differentiated impacts of climate change on women. It promotes a sustainable approach that integrates equality into environmental policies and encourages women’s participation in decision-making on the environment and sustainable development. But also draws attention to the links between gender-based and sexual violence and climate change.

Health, whether physical, mental or sexual, is a major concern for the member associations of the ECICW. The association is committed to promoting equitable access to healthcare, fighting discrimination in the healthcare sector and defending women’s sexual and reproductive rights, such as the right to safe, guaranteed and funded abortion.

We also advocate for health policies that take into account the specific needs of women, particularly with regard to the prevention, screening and treatment of diseases that affect them disproportionately. The ECICW is also interested in specific health issues, such as osteoporosis, the consequences of the commodification of bodies, the challenges faced by refugees, the elderly and women victims of violence.

Health, whether physical, mental, or sexual, is a major concern for the member associations of the CECIF. The association is committed to promoting equitable access to healthcare, fighting discrimination in the healthcare sector, and defending women’s sexual and reproductive rights, such as the right to safe, guaranteed, and funded abortion.

By addressing these issues, the association aims to raise awareness, propose solutions, and influence policies to improve the living conditions of women and their full realization in society.


Exploring Contemporary Women’s Issues:

Recent CECIF Seminars

In recent years, CECIF seminars have covered the following topics:

  • Women and poverty
  • Women in decision-making
  • Equality of opportunity for women and men – comparison of legislative bases in the European Union and Russia
  • Women in the public sphere – sustainable development in housing and the role and active participation of women at the local level
  • Women and the economy and the media
  • Women and the evolution of biotechnology
  • Democracy and the enlargement of the European Union
  • Women and health
  • Trafficking in women and girls
  • Violence against women and children

International Women's Council

The CECIF is a regional member of the International Council of Women (ICW), alongside the African Regional Council, the Asia-Pacific Regional Council, and the Regional Council of the Americas, and represents 28 countries.

Since its founding in 1888, the ICW has aimed to unite national women’s organizations to promote human rights, gender equality, peace, and women’s participation at the international level. It brings together approximately 75 national women’s councils from different countries, to which regional councils are added in some countries in the Americas and Europe.

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The European Women's Lobby 

The CECIF is a founding member of the European Women’s Lobby.

The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is the largest umbrella organization of women’s associations in the European Union. Founded in 1990, it works to promote women’s rights and gender equality.

The EWL believes in a feminist and equal Europe in which it is not only possible, but imperative, to end gender inequalities in order to ensure the well-being of all and the planet.

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Feminist Front

The ECICW joined the Feminist Front at its General Assembly in May 2023. The Feminist Front presents a Manifesto signed by 77 associations and networks from 7 countries. It defines feminism as a commitment to justice, equality, and dignity. Universalist, secular, and supportive, it brings together women and men from all over the world who fight against patriarchy, a system of violence and oppression based on the affirmation of male superiority. It denounces: – The commodification of women through prostitution, pornography, and womb renting; – The rape culture, inherent to the patriarchal system; – The control of women’s bodies and appearance; – The erasure of sex in favor of gender.

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