Members, News-EN23 January 20233 Minutes

Solidarité internationale

Unfortunately we still face conflicts and repression in many parts of the world. Ukrainian women and children are the first victims of the war between Russia and Ukraine. Our hearts and our solidarity go to them. As our vice-president, Lyudmyla Porokhnyak writes us : “I m raising questions about the rights of a human woman. We, as a women’s organization, cannot stand aside from the fact that women in Ukraine are subjected to the highest form of violence – the abuser takes away their lives, health, property, and the future of women and their children. The wounds that the Russian army inflicts on the fields, forests, steppes, and reservoirs of Ukraine will remain for decades  these will be devastated and mined lands. (…) I am often asked – what kind of help do I need?( …) We must fulfill our statutes. Statutes, in which it is written that we fight and protect the rights of a human woman.(.;.) It is necessary to stop this horror and make sure that it cannot happen again in any country.

Let’s act according to the statutes. We have strong women’s organizations. We have many wise and experienced women. Let’s join our efforts to all international movements for the end of the war. Perhaps we will be able to reach the minds and hearts of the women of Russia so that they cannot send their husbands and sons to destroy Ukraine. They do not protect Russia – no one attacked Russia, it is their army that tramples our land, and their politicians leave us without light , water, heat, and communication ».


And we hope to continue within ECICW to have a feminist response that condemns this violence and builds bridges, dialogue and contributes to a feminist diplomacy and fosters the will to bring peace. We add here the testimony of Sofia Porokhnyak regarding her experience in Kiev and the trauma it entails. (watch the video: )


We are also very touched by the situation of women in Congo where the integrity of women is threatened by violence, rape, harassment. But we are also worried by the situation of women in Iran and Afghanistan.  We express our support for the political fight led by the women of Iran in order to increase their legitimate rights and freedom in their private and public sphere. We strongly condemn the repression of women in Iran and Afghanistan, and reaffirm that freedom of expression, freedom of the press and the defense of women’s rights and human rights are the foundations of democracy.

Our solidarity has been expressed by feminists in many countries.