News-EN, Press Release27 November 20234 Minutes

Every woman, every woman’s life is equally important, without distinction


The 25th of November marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. On this occasion, ECICW, refers to resolution 1325, which is one of its priorities, to express its solidarity with women victims of conflicts, wars, victims of rape used as weapons of war or feminicide. The list is long, from Congo to Rwanda, from Ukraine to Syria and Iraq, from Iran to Afghanistan or Gaza, their lives are broken and the world looks the other way.

We want to stress every woman’s life is equally precious and therefore ECICW strongly condemns all acts of war, terror and violence against all women, young girls and civilians wherever they take place.

Therefore, we condemn the mass feminicide that has occurred on October 7 by the Hamas terrorists against Israeli women.

Women were not killed in the same way as men. They have been raped, exhibited naked, dismembered and mutilated. Those crimes have been executed against women because of their sex.

This is the mass femicide we must address, without diluting it in opinions and biases pertaining to the israeli-palestinian conflict[1].
Yes it is difficult. But we must act because once again, women (and their children) are the first victims of wars and armed conflicts.

Violence against women on October 7th corresponds exactly to the definition of femicide, that is to say, the rape and murder of women or young girls because of their sex. Women were raped to the point of breaking their pelvis. Their corpses have been raped. Their genitals were mutilated. They have urinated on their dead bodies. Some were beheaded, others dismemberment or burned alive. Others have been taken hostage. This was all documented with films and pictures to induce terror because women and children are the symbols of our humanity.

Women with disabilities also have been raped and killed as Noya, autistic, and Ruth, poly handicapped.

This is an emergency call to be the voice of all Israeli ( Jewish and Arab ) women brutally raped, abused, burned, beheaded, and murdered on October 7 in Israel, some in their homes, some in their beds, some while dancing in a music festival.
We carry their voice and those of the women and young girls still being held hostage or missing.

Therefore we also call on UN Women, who has minimized the attacks of October 7th and referred to them as “The conflict in Gaza” and failed to define Hamas as a terror organization, as the US and the EU did.
In any of its official publications, did the organization address or mention the hundreds of Israeli women, teenage and young girls, who were brutally raped, abused, burned, beheaded, murdered, and kidnapped by the Hamas terror organization.

No mention of, demand, or call for the return of the kidnapped Israeli women, -among which young girls and elderly-, has been made by the organization. Neither was a there a call for visits from the Red Cross or other prominent human rights organizations. Why? Why not for them?

Don’t stay silent.

If you too believe, that every woman’s life is valuable please sign the petition.