General Assemblies, Members, News-EN2 July 20243 Minutes


Our General Assembly was held in Vilnius from June 20 to 22.
Delegations from Lithuania, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Italy, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Turkey, Israel, and Taiwan met, complemented by other countries online (Austria, the Netherlands, Morocco, etc.).
Martine Marandel, president of ICW, and Cosima Schenk, past president, honored us with their participation.
On Thursday, June 20, after an official visit to the Parliament, the Seimas, the Portuguese coordination organized a workshop on cyberbullying and online violence.
On Friday, June 21, we held our annual General Assembly and this year election were held.
After the agenda, we elected a new Board: Viviane Teitelbaum was re-elected president, Sema Ozan (president of the Turkish coordination) and @Marie-Claude Bertrand (president of CNFF) were re-elected vice-presidents, and Ana Sofia Fernandes (president of the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights) joined the Board as new Vice-President.
Sylvie Lausberg was re-elected as Secretary General and Ludovina Moreira-Costes was re-elected as treasurer!
The 4 new priority areas for our work for the next 3 years were defined:

Resolution 1325

ECICW will continue to work on Resolution 1325 as it will celebrate its 25 years. We want to amplify its impact on rape as a weapon of war, supporting victims, and contributing to building coalitions for conflict resolution, dialogue and strengthening solidarity, develop a feminist diplomacy. But also continue to express our solidarity towards Iranian and Afghan women, victims of sexual apartheid.

Masculinist influence

We want to analyze and counter masculinist discourse and influence in politics; in Courts, in mentalities …

(Custody Battles, trad wifes, False Accusations, mental health, education:

Follow  the money…

When  and where money is used to exploit women: Surrogacy; Prostitution; Trafficking;

Or impact women’s rights on her decisions: Abortion pill; Bodily autonomy; SRHR, etc

Climate change

Women play a vital role in the fight against climate change, both as vulnerable victims and as active agents of change. Their inclusion in mitigation and adaptation strategies, as well as their empowerment, is crucial for a more sustainable and equitable future.

Then we had a presentation by Gulden Henneman on the radicalization of women, and to finish, the EIGE team gave us a very interesting presentation of their work.
We also voted on a new procedure to include motions in our GA!
Our accounts and budget have also been approved!
Thank you Loreta Kelbauskaite  and the Lithuanian coordinattion for hosting us and for the magnificent organization!