Members, News-EN25 January 20232 Minutes

Abortion right

The political exploitation of women’s decision-making autonomy has become obvious to all media since the American decision to revoke the constitutional abortion right .
In Europe, many countries have reacted by proposing to include abortion right  in the constitution.  This was the case in France and Belgium in particular. Although this will not immediately improve access to care, this political will should be able to support more collective actions at European level.Since our information catalog co-edited by ECICW and which tackles unequal legislations  regarding abortion right in Europe, several areas of concern or glimmers of hope continue to maintain  abortion right on the political and media agenda.
In Europe, the situation in Malta was publicized in June because a Maltese hospital refused to perform an abortion on an American tourist suffering from complications related to her pregnancy. The incident sparked protests and focused international attention on the country’ laws, ruled by a Catholic majority; The only country in the European Union with a total ban on abortion right.
As a result, Malta wants to revise its legislation on abortion with the aim of avoiding threats to doctors in the case of an intervention.
In  the spring of 2021, our Secretary General met a lawyer and two doctors in Malta , including Isabel Stabile, the only openly pro-choice  gynecologist in Malta expressed herself as follows in the French newspaper Libération: “If there was a referendum on abortion today, we would loose because 61.8% of the population still says they are strictly opposed to abortion right.A film was produced  in Malta in April 2021 by Sylvie Lausberg, click here to watch the video:
The most encouraging initiative on a collective level is the vote of the European Parliament at the beginning of July 2022 which calls for the abortion right to be included in the charter of fundamental rights!